About Us
We are located in the prestigious Via dei Coronari, a historic street in Rome close to Piazza Navona and known throughout the world for its charm and antique shops.
Our shop looks like a showroom of historical-military objects of every age and type. Whether you are a collector of military antiques, uniforms and equipment from the First and Second World War, a collector of toy soldiers and models, or a simple history buff at his first experience with this world, you will find what you are looking for with us!
The proposed articles are researched, evaluated and studied with deep passion and great professionalism, gained in over forty years of experience in the field.
I started collecting military memorabilia in the early 70s, when as a boy I was intrigued by the possibility of understanding and directly discovering history that such objects had (and still have) to offer. With a continuous work of analysis, study and research and combining this passion with my profession as an antique dealer, I have had the opportunity to touch an ever-increasing number of uniforms, headdresses, helmets, equipment, memorabilia, etc. from the 1800s up to the Second World War, while also gaining some experience as a costume consultant for historical films and documentaries. On several occasions I have also made pieces of my collection available for the drafting of military history books, such as for example for the recent volume “Il Primo Esercito Italiano (1861-1870)” published by the historical office of Italian HQ.
For about 15 years, together with my sons Niccolò and Edoardo who are also collectors, I have decided to focus mainly, but not exclusively, the attention of my antiques shop on the Italian militaria of all eras (pre-unification states, Risorgimento, Umbertine era, Great War, Fascism, World War II) and on the German and European militaries of the World Wars, gradually becoming a must for collectors of militaria and toy soldiers visiting Rome.
More recently, driven by the desire to deal with an international audience and to give enthusiasts and collectors from other countries the possibility of being able to buy the items in the shop, the site www.militariainroma.com was created, where you can find an extensive catalog that every month is enriched with about 50 new products.
To stay up to date on our activity, subscribe to the Newsletter and follow our page on Instagram.
Alessandro Melmeluzzi
“Nulla è più necessario del superfluo” – Oscar Wilde